Sunday, October 3, 2010

Summary Sundays, October 3rd to October 9th

Unfortunately for us, we didn't make it to the 2010 Quintessence Breastfeeding Challenge yesterday like I had hoped.  Little Sheep was napping and because she and I both value those naps so highly, it didn't seem fair to deprive her of it.  :(

However, we instead spent a wonderful day with Papa Sheppard, scouring the local mall.  I was gifted with a $40 gift card to the mall last year by a family member, and as of today, I still have not found anything I will pay full price for at the mall.  It is indeed sad, because there are many things I do indeed like, but I refuse to pay full price for

a) clothing/electronics that are not baby-friendly;
b) clothing/electronics that are not good quality;
c) clothing/electronics that were made by some poor child in a third world country who earned $0.09/hr;
d) clothing/electronics that do not work with my simple lifestyle.

As such, Papa Sheppard did manage to find a pair of sunglasses that he really did need, and were $10, so I let him use my card.  I will probably wait until there's a good deal on some kitchen apparatus I want and put the gift certificate toward that.

The next week looks rather interesting.  Monday is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.  Papa Sheppard and I are good friends with several of the Franciscan Order of Halifax, so I suspect we'll try to make it to Mass with them.  We have both been good buddies with "Frank" for years.  On the night we got engaged last year, our good friend, Father Danato, gave us each a Franciscan cross that we both wore til our chains broke (reminder: get new chains).  Oh, and by the way -- we got engaged on Father Danato's birthday.  Oh, and a year later to the day, our daughter, Little Sheep, was born.  (You think that's weird?  Wait til you hear about November 4th!)

Mickey Rourke did an awesome job as Frank in Francesco.  

On Tuesday, Little Sheep and I have a get together with the Mom and Baby Group we hang out with around town.  Wednesday, there doesn't seem to be much going on for us.  On Thursday, however, we have a very busy day.  For one, I have my Le Leche League meeting at 1pm.  Little Sheep and I also have a doctor's appointment at 3.  I also have my baby massage class that day, but I'll skip it this week in lieu of the Le Leche League.  And finally, Friday is Errand day, where we run all over the city getting all our stuff done.

This weekend is also Canadian Thanksgiving.  This is our first Thanksgiving with Little Sheep, for both us and our parents.  Our plan is that this year, we'll do Thanksgiving with Papa Sheppard's parents, and Christmas with my parents.  Next year we'll switch.  After that, we'll start getting them to come to us.  :P

Because October 1st to 7th is World Breastfeeding Week, our local children's hospital is putting on several different events.  Little Sheep and I will check them out if/when we have time and are in the appropriate cheer.  With the exception to doctor's appointments, I try not to schedule too many things too exact.  I never know when Little Sheep's schedule will override my own.

And that's what the week looks like thus far!  What busy little sheep we are, huh?  Ah well, nothing we can't handle.

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