Friday, October 1, 2010

Musings From the Herd: A Funny Thing Happened At Baby Massage Yesterday...

I'm a Christian.  I don't ascribe to any one denomination or another, but that's for another post.  Suffice it to say, I believe in God.  And I am completely assured that God has a twisted and delightful sense of humor.  Here's my latest escapade.

Several weeks ago, I signed up to a Mom and Baby group on Facebook within my home town.  I am rarely on Facebook, so I never really paid much attention to it, and promptly forgot it completely.

I started receiving emails from someone named E.  Now, I don't know any E's in real life, so I didn't pay much attention to her messages, until this past Tuesday.  I looked into it and realized all this time that her messages had been invites to this Mom and Baby group I'd joined!  Not only that, but they were having their regular get-together that very day.

Well, Little Sheep and I got all together and went there.  When we got there, we met with another mom and baby, a little girl just a week older than Little Sheep.  They invited us to meet with them in a separate part of town for a free baby massage put on by a parent center, which happened every Thursday.

Well, that Thursday (yesterday), Little Sheep and I were running late.  We got ready, hopped into the car and took off.  We arrived 15 minutes late for class.  And Little Sheep was ravenous, and demanded we eat right now!  So before we went into the class, we nursed in the car for about 10 minutes.

As we were getting out of the car, already nearly half an hour late, a silver SUV pulled up beside us.  I was shocked to see my friend Sandy, a woman I'd met two years ago, waving and yelling at me excitedly.  "Don't go anywhere," she yelled, "I have to talk to you!"  I was shocked to see her there, much less her husband.  She works, as does he, and neither of them live or work even close to this part of town we were in.  Why were they here?

Sandy leaped out of her SUV and rushed over excitedly.  Now, Sandy is a massage therapist, so I asked her if she was the one putting on the baby massage class.  And she said, "No, I'm here to pick up my daughter. We're adopting a baby.  Right now.  Today!"

Now, a little background.  Sandy and her husband have been trying for what seems like millennia to either have or adopt a baby.  They've had their hearts broken numerous times and I am sure they were coming to the end of their rope.  Last Friday (only 7 days before), they were contacted and told that they had been selected to adopt a little girl.  They even got to pick out her name.  They hadn't told anyone about it, so that no one got excited.  But they'd finally been picked and were being given a baby.

Sandy and I are both active Catholics, and I was so honored and excited to be there when she received her gorgeous little red-haired angel.  She's 20 days old and an absolute gem.

Now... how weird is that?

I sign up for a Facebook group.  Through it I meet another mom and baby, who invite me across town on a particular day to attend a class.  And when I get there, with everything against me timing-wise, I get to be part of a very special event for my friend.  Had anything changed -- Little Sheep not wanting to nurse, us getting there on time, our new friend not inviting us to the class, me not checking that email or not going to the mom and baby group -- we wouldn't have been there at that exact time to see something so wonderful take place.

See what I mean when I say God has a twisted and delightful sense of humor?

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