This week will be a very busy one for us. As I posted in my menu plan this week, we have several errands, appointments and plans. Besides our regular Mom and Baby time and our Baby Massage class, we also have plans for a dentist appointment, a parenting workshop, a curb side pickup, and a protest! Needless to say, we will be rushing around all week. So I am planning a light to-do list to sinply keep up with the housework and meal plans.
- do morning routine
- bake bread
- attend Mom and Baby group --
skip, Little Sheep isn't feeling well
- move crib mattress to our bedroom --
changed our minds
- mash and bag/freeze cooked potatoes
- set up diapers
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- fold laundry
- do before bed routine
- do morning routine
- Papa Sheppard's dentist appointment
- shread cheese
- freeze cheese
- shread soap for liquid soap --
hold off til next week
- make up grocery list/budget
- invite mom and/or stepdad over for lunch
- prepare bread dough
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
+ steam/freeze spinach
+ empty lower shelf on freezer
- do morning routine
- cook up batch of brown rice (did Wednesday)
- grocery shopping
- prepare for weekend
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
- do morning routine
- attend workshop
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
- do morning routine
- pack breakfast and lunch
- scour neighborhoods for curbside treasures
- attend protest
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
- do morning routine
- prepare Papa Sheppard's work lunches
- attend protest
- attend Mass
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
- do morning routine
- write up next week's to-do list
- knit more of Papa Sheppard's scarf
- do before bed routine
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