Thursday, October 21, 2010

Simply Be Thursdays: Online Clutter

I am not the best at keeping up with my emails. I'm really bad for it. What's more, I am a sucker for online coupons, giveaways and contests. I never win and I'm horrible with coupons.

But emails? I love them all.

The problems with them, along with Twitter and Facebookis that they are time consuming, overwhelming, and addictive. No one who has ever been on the Internet can honestly say that they have never been sucked into it for hours on end, only to come away feelibg almost empty.

This month, I decided to simplify my online social life and make things easier on myself. So I carefully screened out all the emails that came into my inbox. Newsletters, product promotions, coupon offers, and group emails were unsubscribed. Besides family and friends, I think the majority of my emails come from Freecycle or Mother Earth News. With Facebook, I told everyone that I was purging my list down to family and very close friends, and asked that they please not be offended. I think I went from aroubd 100+ people to somewhere less than 25. I also removed the majority of news and updates I get from "Likes".

With Twitter, I quit after my first "Twitter Party". Don't get me wrong -- Twitter is a ton of fun and a great way to get your blog/business noticed. But it is too addictive. My daughter needs more of my attention than Twitter.

Today, two things happened: I got a lovely email from my mother and also one from my (surprisingly good with computers!) grandmother! I wonder if I would have notices, or appreciated them as much, had I not cleared out so much email clutter? Hmmm...

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