Clothing and Blankets: I know, this is the fun part of shopping, as you prepare for the baby. But shop wisely. Don’t get too much; they’ll outgrow everything quickly, anyway. Borrow (or buy used) what you can; babies rarely wear things out!
The Rule-of-Thumb is the quantity of 4-6 per item. This is usually enough of each item to allow for a few clothing changes per day (spit-ups and diaper blowouts will happen!), while doing laundry every few days. Add in a few extra warmer things for winter babies.
Stock up on gender-neutral-colored basics (And your little ones don’t have to be stuck wearing yellow ducks; my babies were adorable with items such as denim overalls, red sweaters, tie-dyed t-shirts, orange pants, star-print gowns, and peapod-print onesies). If you end up having a girl, you can toss in a couple dresses and/or bows. The pink will certainly make its way into your life; it’s irresistible to Grandmas.
So I gritted my teeth and dove into her closet. I took all the boxes that were there. I took out things that I actually liked and asked Papa Sheppard his opinion of other things. After the first box, though, it became apparent that this was a "Mama job" because everything Papa Sheppard saw, he either said, "Oh that's so cute" or "I could go either way".
What really shocked me was how much pink pink PINK there was! I am not a big fan of the almighty girly pink. And it drives me nuts when people think that just because I have a little girl, everything has to be pink. I begged my mother to please not buy me anything pink from hereon out, and if anyone asked what they could get Little Sheep, to please tell them anything but pink clothes.
There were two sets of a Minnie Mouse outfit as well. I have never been a big fan of cartoon characters or brand names, either, so they weren't sticking around.
I do not desire to create another little consumer. I desire to have created a beautiful human being who understands the value of her possessions and treats them with respect. I want her to understand that just because we can run out and buy another piece of clothings doesn't mean we should or will.
We were immensely blessed when we were given all these beautiful clothing items by friends and family. Now we will immensely bless someone else with these pieces. And hopefully our home will regain a bit more peace. And become a little less pink.
Gifts for other little gals to enjoy! |
Beautiful! :) Thanks for quoting me. :) I love how you were inspired to action (and blogged about it); and most of all how you are blessing other little girls now, as well.
ReplyDeleteI forwarded your note to Amy, too.
Good grief, I can't even spell my own name today. :)